Dialogues 4: AAPS Editorial Board's decision on best papers

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The AAPS Editorial Board considered a number of journal articles submitted to it, and voted the following three in ranked order to submit to the International Editorial Board of Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning, volume 4. We congratulate those who were successful.

1. Kamete A (2009): ‘Hanging out with “trouble-causers”: Planning and governance in urban Zimbabwe’, Planning Theory and Practice, 10(1), 85-103.

  1. Winkler, T (2009): ‘For the equitable city yet to come’, Planning Theory and Practice, 10(1), 65-83.

  2. Onyebueke, V (2008): ‘Ageing and urban-rural drift in Nigeria: Coping or dispensing with city accommodation in retirement’, Ageing Research Reviews, 7, 275-80.

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