AMCHUD IV strategy document available for download

Saturday, 23 June 2012

The fourth African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development (AMCHUD) took place in Nairobi earlier this month, with the theme, ‘Territorial planning, basic services for all and the impacts of climate change in Africa’.

The meeting resulted in a brief and accessible ‘strategy document’, which discusses a number of issues relating to the urban transition in Africa, problematic urban planning practices, the need for national urban policies, a ‘New Pact’ for urban management on the continent, South-South cooperation, and so on.

Please click HERE to access the AMCHUD IV strategy document (pdf format).

The report sees African urbanization, above all, as an opportunity for development, and demands that planning is re-cast as an incremental process of experimentation and implementation, focusing on specific interventions and ‘strategic levers’ (rather than comprehensive approaches) within urban development.

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