The following presentations made at the AAPS 2012 all-schools conference are available for download. Unfortunately some presentations cannot be uploaded due to formatting and size constraints.
Presentations on AAPS-SDI studios:
- Uganda studio, with Makerere Univerisity, SDI and Ugandan Slum Dwellers Federation (.ppt format, 4.7 MB)
Presentations by UN-Habitat colleagues:
- UN-Habitat’s new priorities: urban planning, design and university collaboration (.ppt format, 6.1 MB)
- Local Governance and Decentralisation (.ppt format, 1.5 MB)
- Global Land Tool Network (.ppt format, 0.9 MB)
- Cities and Climate Change Academy (.ppt format, 6.8 MB)
- Global Housing Strategy to the Year 2025 (.ppt format, 8.9 MB)
Presentations on curricular development processes:
- Towards a conceptual frame for undergraduate education in Africa (James Duminy, AAPS) (.pdf format, 0.7 MB)
- Undergraduate curricular design at Benue State University (Nigeria) (Prof Tim Gyuse, BSU) (.ppt format, 0.24 MB)
- Undergraduate curricular design at the Polytechnic of Namibia (Jacques Korrubel, PoN) (.ppt format, 0.93 MB)
- Postgraduate curricular design at the University of Zambia (Dr Douty Chibamba, UNZA) (.ppt format, 0.73 MB)
Other presentations:
- Makoko Under Siege (Dr Immaculata Nwokoro, University of Lagos) (.ppt format, 9 MB)
- Introduction to the AAPS-WIEGO Collaboration (Prof Winnie Mitullah, University of Nairobi) (.ppt format, 0.75 MB)
Keynote addresses:
- Training Curriculum for Inclusive Urban Development: Bridging Theory & Practice (Prof Winnie Mitullah, University of Nairobi) (.ppt format, 3 MB)