University of Zambia secures Comic Relief research grant

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Congratulations to the new Master of Spatial Planning programme staff at the University of Zambia, and particularly to incoming staff member Gilbert Siame, who played an important role in helping to secure a generous Comic Relief grant for a research project on informal settlement upgrading in Lusaka.

The partnership between AAPS and SDI (which Gilbert has helped to forge in Lusaka over the last two years) was a key element in enabling the grant to be secured. Partners in the grant are:

  • People’s Process on Housing & Poverty in Zambia (PPHPZ), partnering with Homeless International
  • Zambia Homeless & Poor People’s Federation (ZHPPF), partnering with PPHPZ
  • University of Zambia and Lusaka City City Council, partnering with PPHPZ
  • Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
  • Lusaka Water & Sewerage Company, working with Kanyama & Chazanga Water Trusts and partnering with WSUP
  • CARE

Once again, congratulations to UNZA staff and best of luck for the commencement of the new Masters programme later this year (see HERE and HERE for past AAPS news articles related to this programme).

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