The Global Land Tools Network (GLTN) has released, as a first draft for use and feedback, a capacity development resource entitled Learning for Land Tool Development and Implementation: A Good Practice Guide.
As the preface points out, the guide has been developed for use by GLTN colleagues and partners in implementing the GLTN capacity development strategy at country level. It is based on practical experience gained in the course of work during GLTN Phase 2, specifically in the development and application of pro-poor, gender responsive land tools. In GLTN’s experience, learning is a fundamental precondition for the successful innovations that are so urgently needed to achieve responsible land administration for secure land and property rights for all.
The guide is presented here as a living document to be improved over time as partners jointly explore and develop improved methods and processes of good learning practice. Readers and users are encouraged to send their critique and suggestions to Jean du Plessis. To facilitate adaptation and use of the various tools provided, the guide is available in soft copy (PDF and Word) formats.
GLTN encourages active use of these materials and requests that, when citing the document, GLTN and UN-Habitat are duly acknowledged.
The PDF version of the guide can be downloaded from the GLTN website.
Adaptable Word versions of the Annexes can be provided on request. Please send your request to Jean du Plessis.